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Showing posts from August, 2018

How to use CSS Boxes effectively?

  The CSS treats each HTML element as if it lives in its own box.You can set several properties that affect the appearance of these boxes. In this article you will see how to: Control the dimension of your boxes Create borders around boxes Show and hide boxes Apply margins and padding for boxes Dimension of Boxes By default a box is sized just big enough to hold its contents. To set your own dimensions for a box you can use the height and width properties.The most popular ways to specify the size of a box are to use pixels, percentages, or ems. Traditionally, pixels have been the most popular method because they allow designers to accurately control their size. When you use percentages, the size of the box is relative to the size of the browser window or, if the box is encased within another box, it is a percentage of the size of the containing box.When you use ems, the size of the box is based on the size of text within it. Designers have recently started to use perc

Types of CSS Gradient

CSS Gradients The CSS Gradients are made of super cool transition between two or more different colors. They play major role in brand design every where you turn - in logos, web design, and everything in between. While gradients may come in many shapes, shades, and sizes, you will primarily see them in two types: linear gradient radial gradient  The CSS linear gradient has become widely popular and can be seen all over the branding websites. To create a linear gradient, you need to specify at least two color stops. Syntax The syntax for the linear gradient is, element{ background: linear-gradient(location, color-stops); } Example The following example specifies the transition of the linear gradients. element{ background: linear-gradient(#9be965,#e8f03a ); } By default, the linear gradient flows from top to bottom, but you can change their location by specifying the direction. element{ background: linear-gradient(to right, #9be965,#e8f03a

Triggers In SQL

Triggers In SQL A trigger is essentially a special type of stored procedure that can be executed in response to one of three conditions: INSERT UPDATE DELETE The Transact-SQL syntax to create a trigger looks like this: CREATE TRIGGER TRIGGER_NAME ON TABLE_NAME FOR{INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE} AS SQL_STATEMENTS Triggers are most useful for enforcing referential integrity. The referential integrity enforces rules used to ensure that data remains valid across multiple tables. Suppose a user entered the following command: insert into Orders(OrderId, OrderName, Quantity, CustomerId) values(1, 'SQL Books', 2, 1) GO This perfectly valid SQL statement inserts a new record in the Orders table. However, a quick check of the Customers table shows that there is no CustomerId =1. A user with insert privileges in the Orders table can completely destroy your referential integrity. Triggers and Transactions The actions executed within a trigger are implicit

Top CSS Animations

The CSS animations help us to animate our website to make it look professional. Nowadays, the animation becomes latest trend in web design that helps satisfy our client needs. The designers are also getting extraordinarily creative and using in CSS animations to bring personality to their sites. In this article, I have described some of the CSS animations to help designers use this animations to their websites based on their requirements. In case, If you like to learn more CSS animations on any specific topics, you can write in a comment section below. I will definitely write an article about that topics, it may help you in any situations. CSS Rotating Circle Animation View & Download Code CSS Rotating Circle Animation The CSS Rotating Circle Animations that feature on Circle shape that rotate from 0deg to 360deg on page load. The center circle will not move only the remaining circle animated using rotate property. In this example we have created the key frame