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Top 10 Bootstrap Interview Questions

Top 10 Bootstrap Interview Questions In this article, you will learn about the top 10 most frequently asked interview questions and their answers. What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is an open-source HTML, CSS, and Javascript framework for responsive & mobile-friendly website designing.  There are 3 elements in bootstrap, bootstrap.css - a CSS framework bootstrap.js - a Javascript/JQuery framework glyphicons - font & icon set Bootstrap can be simply integrated along with distinct other platforms and frameworks, on existing sites and the new ones too. You can also utilize specific elements of Bootstrap along with your current CSS. Bootstrap approaches with popular pre-styled components for alerts, dropdowns, navigation bars, etc. It helps to reduce your project completion time. To learn more click here. What are the advantages of Bootstrap? The advantages of Bootstrap are, Easy to Use Responsiveness Customizable Bootstrap Consistency Support Simple Inte

Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy

Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy The bootstrap 4 scrollspy automatically highlights the position of the content based on navigation or list-group components. Here's an example of scrollspy, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Use the nav component to create scrollspy links. If you would like to know how to create nav components click here . To create scrollspy, Include  data-spy="scroll" attribute to your scroll content element then add  data- target="#navbarNav" attribute to specify the target element then add a unique ID to your each content area that should be mentioned in your each navigation items like above code sample. Scrollspy Nav Pills Here's an example of scrollspy with nav pills, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy Nav Pills by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Scrollspy list-group See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy with list-group by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStu

Bootstrap 4 Navbar

Bootstrap 4 Navbar The Navbar is shown on each page that the user navigates through the website. The bootstrap 4 nav component provides the different styles of the navbar. It also supports logo branding, easy navigation, quote buttons, and forms, etc..  Let's look into each one with an example. The Navbar completely supports responsiveness depending on various screen sizes. To create default navbar, use .navbar class along with responsive class .navbar-expand-sm|md|lg|xl . To create menu items with the hyperlink, Add .navbar-nav class to your <ul> element and add .nav-item class to your each <li> element inherited by an <a> element with .nav-link class for hyperlink. See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Navbar by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Navbar with Background To create navbar with color variation, include any of the contextual classes ( .bg-primary , . bg-secondary , .bg-warning , .bg-danger , .bg-success , .bg-light , .bg-dark ,

Bootstrap 4 Navs

Bootstrap 4 Navs The Bootstrap 4 Navs are used to create a navigational menu with different styles. It creates a list with the links for navigation. In this tutorial, we are going to explore the different types of bootstrap 4 navigations. Here's an example of a basic navigational menu, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Navigation by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . To create the basic nav, add the .nav class to your <ul> element, then include .nav-item class to your each <li> element represents nav items and add <a> element inside each <li> element with .nav-link class for their links. Navigation Alignment By default, the navigation menu should be on the left. You can change their alignment either right or center as well. For the right nav, add .nav class along with . justify-content-end class. (e.g.  <ul class="nav justify-content-end"> ) For the center nav, add .nav class along with .justify-content-cent

Bootstrap 4 Progress

Bootstrap 4 Progress The progress bars are used to provide a valuable response to the user on the progress of specific action. So, the users can easily analyze how far they are in a process to complete. The bootstrap 4 progress bar provides the ideal way of visualizing the process. Let's explore in detail, Default Progress Bar See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Progress Bar by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . To create a default progress bar, Add a .progress class to your element and add a .progress -bar class inside its child element like the above example. Progress Bar with Labels To create a progress label, Add text inside the progress bar to display the process percentage. Let's look into an example, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Progress Bar with Labels by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Contextual Progress Bar You can include contextual classes for different color variations. See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Contextual Progress Bar b

Bootstrap 4 Dropdowns

Bootstrap 4 Dropdowns The dropdown allows us to select an item from a different variety of options. The bootstrap 4 dropdown provides a wide range of traits based on necessities. This can be used in many places like navigation menus, gather user information in the form section, etc. Here is an example of a bootstrap 4 dropdown, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Dropdowns by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . The .dropdown class represents the dropdown menu. The .dropdown-toggle class is used to show or hide the menu items based on data-toggle="dropdown" attribute of button click events. Include the .dropdown-menu to a <div> element to create the dropdown menu and include .dropdown-item class to each  <a> (or button) elements to create the items list. Dropdown with Headers Include the .dropdown-header class inside the dropdown menu to create the fancy dropdown headers. Let's look into the below example, See the Pen Bootstrap

Bootstrap 4 Pagination

Bootstrap 4 Pagination The Bootstrap 4 pagination is used to navigate across multiple pages by using the next or previous option or by a specific page number. To create pagination you need to include a .pagination class to your <ul> element. As well as you need to add .page-item to each <li> element and .page-link to each <a> element. Let's look into a detailed example, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Pagination by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Pagination with icons You can include icons instead of next and previous content in order to improve the look of pagination. See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Pagination with icons by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Active pagination Include the .active class to your <li> element that highlights the current page that the user is on. For example, See the Pen Bootstrap 4 Pagination with Active State by Prime Study Hub ( @PrimeStudyHub ) on CodePen . Pagination with d